Case Study

Garden & Landscapes – Swimming Pond

Swimming Pond, Kingswood, Surrey

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Project Photo Gallery:
preparing the deep section of swimming pond

Initial stage of construction

Boardman Gelly’s builders preparing the deep section of swimming pond

Men at work, building the deep water central swimming area

preparing the pond liner and bridge for swimming pond

Bridge partial construction with extensive pond lining visible

Swimming Pond with customer sitting in the shallows

Client enjoying the water, fresh air and tranquility

Swimming Pond with lady customer enjoying a dip

The water is lovely!

Swimming Pond with landscaping, mature growth

View from deck, planting has now matured and the pond blends into the landscape

Swimming pond looking towards the property

View from bridge looking towards the property


This project was a major undertaking for Boardman Gelly presenting us with an unusual and interesting challenge!

Our clients wished to convert a large part of their back garden in to a pond to be used for swimming. We have to confess, it’s not a request we receive very often!



The photographs above (taken by client) show the stages of construction starting with the initial phase of a carefully designed hole in the ground. Sand was then laid over the top to protect the butyl pond liner from stones. Then we added the central block-work area which forms the deep water swimming section of the pond. The pond steps down and away from the house to allow easy access from the decking, as shown in the final image. A bridge adds a finishing touch to the landscape design creating the illusion of a stream running in to the pond.

The pond was planted and a filtration system fitted, so the pond can be used for swimming.

If you have an unusual landscaping or garden project, contact us for helpful expert advice or call us on 01306 611231.