Case Study

Gardens & Landscaping – New Patio

New Patio & Garden Make-Over, Streatham, South West London

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Project Photo Gallery:
Patio from the side of the house showing debris left by the builder

Before: Looking towards the summer house

New patio, soft landscaping and refurbished summer house

After: View over new patio towards refurbished summer house

new extension with builders debris, before Boardmen Gelly

Before: View towards the new extension (debris left by the builders)

New garden patio after landscaping

After: New patio to create a smooth transition to the outdoors from the new extension

View from patio showing debris left by the builder

Before: Quite a bit of builder’s debris to clear away

New landscaping and refurbished summer house

After: New lawn and refurbished summer house with decking


Our brief was to reinstate the garden back to its former glory and install a new patio level with the interior floor to give a seamless transition from the new extension to outside.


We rebuilt the paved patio area using saved paving slabs, adding new slabs as required, bringing the level up to be flush with the inside and installing a drainage channel at the threshold.

We added  new railway sleeper ‘picture frame’ edges to the lawn before laying a new lawn and new planting. The deck area and arbour were rebuilt and the summer house was painted.

If you are looking to revamp or rebuild an old patio area or give your garden a new lease of life contact Boardman Gelly for expert advice and a free estimate on 01306 611231